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Kids and Screen Challenges: Navigating Parenthood in the Digital Age

In today's world, managing our kids' screen time can feel like a difficult battle. With screens everywhere, from phones to tablets to TVs, it's tough to strike a balance. But fear not! We've got practical tips and simple strategies to help you handle screen challenges with ease.

Screens are everywhere, and they can have a big impact on our kids' lives. From academic to behavior to relationships, screens play a major role. So, how can we tackle this issue head-on?

Let's break it down using the A – Y – H – A – Y approach:

A: Acknowledge Your Responsibility

Y: You Are the Example

H. How to Deal with Screen Challenges

A: Application with practical tips

Y: Yield Everything to Jesus

A: Acknowledge Your Responsibility

It's normal for children to be exposed to screens everywhere they go! It's not your fault they're exposed to screens. Let go of any guilt about being a good or bad parent based on how much your child uses screens. However, it's our responsibility as parents to guide them in managing screen time.


The wisdom in Proverbs reminds us that “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them” (Proverbs 13:24). In other words, it's our duty to discipline our children.


When it comes to screens, discipline means teaching kids how to use them:

SMARTLY: Help them use their time on screens wisely, getting things done and making the most of it.

WISELY: Teach them to use screens wisely, avoiding addictive activities and managing the limits.

Y: You Are the Example

Kids learn by watching us. So, before we can help them, we need to look at our own screen habits.

Are we spending too much time on our phones?

Are we setting a good example?  

By being mindful of our own screen use, we can lead by example and guide our kids better.

H. How to Deal with Screen Challenges

Once you've found effective ways to handle screen time, remember: your child faces similar challenges. Knowing this helps you tackle the issue together in a more complete way. By understanding your own experiences and your child's, you can better support them in managing screen use.

A: Application with practical tips

Now that we've acknowledged our responsibility and set a good example, let's tackle those screen challenges head-on. Here are three simple steps:


Collaborate with Your Child: Talk to your child about screen time. Ask them how they feel about it and involve them in setting limits. Together, come up with fun activities to do instead of staring at screens all day.


Get Creative: Think outside the screen! Find fun activities that don't involve screens, like playing outside or doing a craft project. Get the whole family involved and make it a bonding experience.


Implement Effective Strategies: Try different strategies to find what works best for your family. Whether it's setting screen time limits or creating tech-free zones, find what works for you and stick with it.

Y: Yield Everything to Jesus

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:3

The "poor in spirit" are those who recognize their struggles and turn to God for help. The first step to change is acknowledging that you can't do it alone. If you pretend everything is fine, it's hard for anyone, including God, to step in and help. So turn to Jesus, acknowledge Him in this challenge, and trust in His wisdom and guidance. Surrender your worries to God and trust that He will help you through it all.


Managing screen time doesn't have to be overwhelming. With a little effort and some simple strategies, you can help your kids develop healthy screen habits and thrive in today's digital world. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Together, we can help our kids find balance and live their best lives.

Written by Tsaramirindra ANDRIAMBELO RADANIELINA,

Scholar in psychology and Educator at Ayhay

Contact: +261 32 63 388 31 |

Women's Day Fellowship 2024, "Empowered Women: Cultivating Harmony in Faith, Family and Work".

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