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Writer's pictureAyhay Christian School

Why Christian? Testimonies From Our School Leaders

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

How do our school leaders embrace their Christian life and why is Ayhay a Christian school? Click and read the testimonies led by 8 interview questions.


Lanto H. H. Ranaivoson, Head of the School

What does it mean to be a Christian to you?

For me, to be a Christian is to be a follower of Christ: to follow all His good examples when He was on the earth and obey His commands. However, being a Christian is not just a church-going attitude, we have to serve Him in different areas where He has called us to be.

What specific miracle has strengthened your faith in Jesus?

My elder daughter had scoliosis. Back in 1995, she needed two surgeries on her back unless she could eventually die. The doctor suggested sending her abroad, which demanded a great amount of money. “How and where will we find the means, Jesus?” that was the question we asked that time. To our great surprise, God had sent someone to suggest we go to an NGO called “Terre Des Hommes". We had to pay what we could afford and the NGO could take full charge of the flight ticket, the surgeries, and the other costs. However, we were asked to sign a contract concerning an inhumation in case of the death of our daughter; we signed in the name of Jesus: "Abroad or in Madagascar, she is in Jesus’ Hands and realm". The surgeries went successfully. She came back healthy and brought with her school supplies and gifts for her siblings. She returned healthy and alive. I will forever be grateful to God. This miracle has strengthened our faith in His wise plan.

What has changed in your life since you received Jesus as your Savior?

I used to panic when faced with difficult situations, but since I have received Jesus, my fear has subsided and I know and feel confident and peaceful because our Sovereign Lord is in control, He is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient.

Share a time that has shown you that prayer is powerful

God provides for us and develops our talents to show how glorious He is. My husband and I have baking and cooking skills, and we used to help bake for church and family events in the past. My husband even took a baking class at that time. In 1996, we experienced severe financial hardship while our children were in elementary, middle, and high school. My husband and I prayed from the bottom of our hearts to find more job opportunities to get enough financial resources to afford our children's school fees. At that time, the sub-commune opened a contest for the best baker in our area. The best baker would receive a contract for 600 portions of cakes. We couldn't believe it! We were selected as the best among 3 competitors. We were able to make the 600 servings of cake with the help of my husband's baking classmates. Thanks to God, we were able to receive the means to pay our children's school fees. We made a name for ourselves and got many contracts, including wedding cakes and catering services.

How do you live a Christian life in your community and at school?

At school, we make decisions after consulting the Holy Spirit through prayers. Living a Christian lifestyle reminds me of this verse in Romans 1:16: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile." I do my best to behave according to the commandments of Christ: to live in a righteous manner, not to be afraid, to speak the truth, to be honest, to fear God in everything I do, to be fair to everyone, to help the needy inside or outside the family and last but not least, to serve Him in church, in Christian associations and to preach the Gospel to all those around me such as family members, friends, students who are lukewarm so that they may also receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Why have you chosen Christian to be seen in the name “Ayhay Christian School"?

In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these". At Ayhay, we want children to know that God is great, loving, and sovereign. The Bible is true and Jesus is our true savior. I am not ashamed of the Gospel. Also, one of our goals, when we founded the school, is to train the future generation in Christian values, including peace, forgiveness, honesty, transparency, and love, which is a powerful education to raise a child in the right way, because we want many of them to be our future leaders.

What is your message for students and parents about faith?

The joy of learning is a natural feeling that many receive in a good school, including Montessori schools. Dear students, remember the Words of God in James 2:17 saying "In the same way, faith by itself if it is not accompanied by action, is dead". To be successful, continue to view your studies as an adventure and not a chore. Appreciate what you have discovered in school and be in constant search. We both know that with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will succeed. Dear parents, thank you for your faith and trust in the faculty and staff of Ayhay Christian School. It is with God's help that we are able to offer the best to the students in faith and hope, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory.

What are your top 4 Christian songs?

  1. I will sing (Don Moen), whatever situation I face in my life, I will always sing praise for God.

  2. The Goodness of God (Jenn Johnson), I feel the love of God for me and unconditionally for others too, I love the melody.

  3. The Power of Your Love (Hillsong), reveals the unconditional and unimaginable love of God for me and others. His love gives me joy and courage in good and difficult times.

  4. The Blessing (Kari Jobe), talks about God's blessing for all generations, for me and my descendants. It reminds me how omnipresent our God is.


K. Notoavina G. Ravel H., School Director

What does it mean to be a Christian to you?

That reminds me of the song: “ I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back”. For me, being Christian means following and accepting Jesus as among the Triune God, who has been present since creation. It is having the faith that through His sacrifice on the cross, and His victory against death, our relationship with the Father God has been restored despite sin, which has separated us from Him. To be a Christian is followed by this faith and with actions that are driven by the Holy Spirit. Most importantly, being a Christian requires a daily study of the Bible which I believe contains the Words of God, “… a lamp for my feet, and light on my path.” Psalm 119:105

What specific miracle has strengthened your faith in Jesus?

What I can say is that God performs miracles in our lives to strengthen our faith and help us remember that He is present. There is power in the name of Jesus. Back in 2020, during the time of the COVID lockdown, the hospitals were full, and each member of my family was infected by the virus. My father and my sister were seriously sick. My sister could hardly breathe and needed an injection that was difficult to find in a pharmacy, my dad was so weak, could not eat, and was laid up. We prayed continuously every day for recovery in Jesus' name. God could show me where to find the injections and after the injection, my sister could breathe well. However, my dad’s health degraded, and doctors were coming home for care. A week later, my Dad could gradually eat: with one spoon, and two spoons, then he could finish a dish. That was such a miracle.

What has changed in your life since you received Jesus as your Savior?

When I realized that I am nothing without God and my identity is in Christ, my life changed. I am set apart for Him and sometimes feel like an alien doing a mission in this world. By His grace, I am who I am. I am not the same as yesterday, even as a year ago, thanks to the sanctification of the Holy Spirit.

Share a time that has shown you that prayer is powerful.

I was raised in a family of bakers and farmers. In the winter, back in 1996, we had a dozen ducks that could not walk and were dying because of the cold. At that time, the ducks were among our primary sources of income. As I remember, my dad and I discovered them unable to stand and on the ground. Were they dead? I remembered that I advised saying: “ Let’s put them in the oven”. Then dad put four ducks in the oven. He keeps on saying that during the time in the oven, I went kneeling down and praying that the ducks would stand up and live “in Jesus' name”. The ducks stood up, each stood up one at a time. My dad took them off and put the others in the oven. Many of the dozen were alive because the fire was put on low heat and the prayer could heal them. Glory be to God, the one who performs miracles and strengthens our faith.

How do you live a Christian life in your community and at school?

At school, I love that we begin each day with devotions and prayers, 15 minutes before school starts. Our faculty and staff take turns leading them. It reminds us that God is at the center of our profession and strengthens our team relationships. This is our daily bread. However, there are difficult situations I face as a follower of Christ, including difficulties in forgiving others, making peace, and dealing with pride. Thankfully, the Bible is present and guides my path. I am thankful for God's work in me, shaping my character and leading me to obey His commands.

Why have you chosen Christian to be seen in the name “Ayhay Christian School”?

Besides the Christian values, Galatians 5: 22-23 summarizes our purpose and expected fruits of education at Ayhay: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” Nobody will be able to bear the fruits of the Spirit unless one has faith in Jesus as the Saviour and as the Son, who has reconciled us with the Father by his sacrifice on the cross. Our younger generations need to know that Jesus Christ is our firm foundation.

What is your message for students and parents about faith?

When you follow Christ, it is the right way and that is the foundation of your faith. May God bless your paths and give you the joy of reading, studying, and living daily His words in the Bible. There is a reason why parents enroll their children in Ayhay Christian School. It is partly because of the Christian education and values that the children receive at the school. When the child begins to pray and care for his/her peers when the child begins to discern right from wrong, when the child shares that God is our creator, and when the child shares that Jesus is God and our Savior. May the Holy Spirit guide you in your journey with Christ and in the education of your child that has been entrusted to you by God. It is by faith that the school was founded. In Christ, our firm foundation.

Share your top 4 Christian songs

  1. Amazing Grace How Sweet the Sound (John Newton), it reminds me that it is by God’s grace that I am who I am today.

  2. 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord) (Matt Redman and Jonas Myrin), every time I listen to this song, I celebrate the attributes of God. He is the only one worthy to be praised.

  3. Christ is my firm foundation (Cody Carnes), I love the lyrics and melody, it helps me remember that Christ is the firm foundation of my faith and others.

  4. In Christ Alone (Keith Getty and Stuart Townend). A great reminder that Christ is the cornerstone of my faith, in Him alone, my hope is found..


Where to study the Bible?

Besides Sunday schools, church trainings and Christian organizations, we recommend two great resources to study the Bible daily and to enjoy a fellowship with Christian communities in Madagascar.

For personal and group Bible studies, join a Bible Study Fellowship group and make the most of an in-depth individual and group study of God's Words, followed by fellowship with the community. Go through Our founding leaders have been studying the Bible at BSF and used to serve as group leaders in the Women's and the Young Adults's groups in Antananarivo, Madagascar.

For a daily Bible devotional, join Our Daily Bread, a great tool for daily devotionals. Our faculty and staff members use this tool for many of the devotionals every week.

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