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Welcome to TiaBee 

A place where bees can have a safe haven.

Our Mission

At TiaBee, we want to show everyone how amazing bees are and why we need to protect them. By learning and working together, we can help our buzzing friends stay safe and happy, making sure they can keep helping our world. We love bees, honey and want everyone to understand why they are so special!

Piece of Honeycomb

Our Goals

Learn About Bees and Beekeeping: Teach kids and the community why bees are so important. Did you know there are over 20,000 types of bees, and three out of four fruits and vegetables need bees to grow? Give everyone a chance to care for bees, learn how to keep hives, and make honey. We love bees and want everyone to know why they are so special! We offer even more fun learning experiences.

Work Together and Go Green: Bring students, parents, and the community together to practice apiculture and save the bees. Set up beehives at school and other sites to show how we can take care of bees and our planet. We team up with a bee expert from our school and a professional beekeeping service to take great care of our bees.

Provide Honey Right from Hives: At TiaBee, we provide pure honey right from our own hives. The local, hand-bottled, and raw honey, are collected by bees in a bee-friendly area of Madagascar. Besides our school’s honey products, we team up with our parents as beekeepers and local-trusted beekeeping service provider, to offer a wide range of honey products to the community.

Our Vision

We dream of a world where everyone knows how important bees are. Through our fun learning and beekeeping activities, we hope to inspire kids to protect our bees and take care of our planet, making it a better place for all living things. We love bees, we love honey, and we want to share that love with everyone!

Did you know?

  • There are over 20,000 different kinds of bees in the world.

  • Bees help pollinate three out of every four bites of food we eat, including our favorite fruits and vegetables.

  • Without bees, many of the foods we love, like apples, strawberries, and carrots, would disappear.

  • Bees are super important for our ecosystem, helping plants grow and keeping our environment healthy.

  • Honey is a natural sweetener rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, providing a quick energy boost.

Get your Honey

Support our Beekeeping School Project

Get your 700g, local, hand-bottled, and raw honey, produced by bees in the bee-friendly areas of Madagascar.



Villa les Moineaux, rue Tsimanindry Ambatoroka,101 Antananarivo, Madagascar

Tel: +261333340959 | +261381840959

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